July 2020 Newsletter: As summer heats up the events industry is following suit

Summer typically ushers in large outdoor festivals, fairs, and concerts. Of course, that’s all changed this year. Our industry has experienced unprecedented change over the past few months and much of the change will linger long after we have a vaccine for Covid-19.

All news in this industry is not bad news, however. Planning for in-person events is picking up, thanks in large part to the lead time on booking venues, caterers, and entertainment. This is very hopeful news!

But, the bigger reason for my confidence in our return is that humans are social creatures and we need interaction for our health and happiness.

The Events Industry Will Bounce Back Because Humans Need Social Interaction

Photo by Charlie Kaine Photography


It probably won’t astonish you to read this as it is commonly accepted as fact, but humans need social interaction for our emotional and physical health.

According to South University, a variety of studies show that all age groups benefit from a strong social network and social interaction.

Companies, communities and families hold events for many reasons. Rarely, do they hold large events just to “hang out and bond,” but bonding with coworkers, our fellow citizens, and our family members helps develop stronger companies, communities, and families.

In the immediate future, we must make changes, but I predict this industry will not only survive, but it will also come back smarter with new ideas for ways to hold safe in-person events. And, as you’ll see below, I’m doing my part to make this happen!